Calories, calories, calories those nasty little calories are everywhere and anyone who is attempting to lose some poundage with a weight loss diet is afraid of these mysterious little creatures that will cling to the inside of you stomach and hold on for infinity. We will take a journey inside of this mystery to determine How Calories Affect Weight Loss.
We need to start with a definition of Calorie so that we can find out how they work and get a better understanding about How Calories Affect Weight Loss. Wikipedia describes Calories as:
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Food energy (calorie) is the amount of energy in food that is available through digestion.
What? Yeah I hear yeah, confusing huh! OK let's try to explain it simpler terms. A Calorie when we are talking about food is actually 1000 Calories or equal to 1 kilocalorie. Kilocalorie and calorie are interchangeable depending on what country you live in. Let's stick with calorie for the purpose of How Calories Affect Weight Loss. One calorie is equal to 4.1868 kilojoules. Did I just lose you? Yeah, I thought so!
OK let's really make this really simple, a calorie is a unit of energy. You supply your body with energy just like you would supply gasoline to an automobile or coal to a furnace. Think of your body as the furnace and food as your coal or gasoline. Your car is only going to burn as much gas as it needs to perform the necessary task of getting you from point a to b. If you don't drive a lot you won't use a lot of gas, if you drive really far to work you will use more. If you car does not use the gas it will sit in the tank. The advantage that the car has over you is that cars gas tank won't expand to hold more fuel. Unfortunately for most living creatures are bodies will expand to accommodate and store more fuel.
Ah, I see the light on above your head now. You are beginning to understand How Calories Affect Weight Loss. A sedentary person will burn about 1000 calories per day. Michael Phelps a world class swimmer probably burns about 5 times that amount. This is why he needs to eat more than 7000 calories a day and the average person only needs to consume about 1500.
I think we are getting closer to understanding how your body utilizes calories. Your body "The Furnace" and fuel storage facility will decrease in size by you doing 2 things:
A. Decrease the amount of fuel you are storing.
B. Increase the amount of fuel you burn.
Sounds simple, it really is, you just need a blueprint to eat tasty foods that will satisfy your hunger and not give you any excess fuel to store. Strip That Fat is the premier weight loss software. Strip That Fat will allow you to pick the foods that you like to eat while providing you with a meal plan that will not cause you to store any excess fuel. So now that we know How Calories Affect Weight Loss we can combat those little buggers and get them out of our bodies for good!
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